(K so this letter was an adventure because of the miserable keyboard he got on at the cyber center that I left it as - is....We didn't get his letter til 10:30 last night...saw it on my phone...read it...laughed at the typos and spelling...but loved how happy he is...so I left it as-is so you can appreciate your nice keyboards today...and feel a little of "Argentina" cyber center love today - and maybe get a good smile!! )
Hello my be autiful family ! I am sorry that I am late.WE jus t had an a mazing z one conference. This keybo ard that I am on is terrible. I hop e you can make out wha t I w rite.
I dont have time to read your emails. I have the great opportunity to do split s with the AP and my zo n e leader j us t now. WE had an awes ome conf erence. I love my MI ss ion P resident so much.
I wanted to share a l ittle of what I learned. Presid ent h as g iven us the theme of not being comp lancent and always striving for hi gher h eights. We talked a boout intuition and ince ntive. It was amazing. I lear ned al ot ab o ut wo rking with you r m embers and a lso what it means to p ut a way childn ess., and become who I want to become.
He also t a lked ab out h how only t he valient recieve celes tial glory. the honora ble people kno w wha t th ey ca n ddddo to obtain celest ital glroy.. I can not tell you al l how life changing my mission has b een so far.
I guess I s ound ed homesick l ast l etter. I a m doing great. WE h ad three b aptisimis l ast S a turday and hopefully two m ore this S atu rday!! WE a re really bei n g b less ed. Th e C laudios whole family came to chu rch on Sunday. Pl ease p ray for them.
SO f rom wh at I can see it sounds like i t was a r ougher week for you all.
Mikesell, Your letter shows you r wonderful a ttitude. Heavenly Father has his eye on you and in 5 years you will lo ok back at all this and smile. Lean on Mom and D ad and P rayer. I wil l pray my heart o ut for you like always.
çI love you and will writ e more when I can ac tually type ne xt week. Go to work for track this week. You rock babe. I lov e you and p`ic tur e the biggest hug ever-
M om and Dad- Sounds like you are all doing really goo d. Thank you for your prayer s and all of your support. You are two truly ama zin g peop le. I am so e xtremely grateful for you both.ç
Brennen and Alex - Hey my s tuds , did you get my letter yet? I hope so. I s ure l ove you both . STAY STRON g. i want to encourage you to if you can go on splits with the missionaries, read and prayevery day. THes e times are c riticial for you.
McCa ll an d Harrison- I love you both so much. I hope that you had a wonderful day. I miss you thank you for your examples. You two are a mazing. I h ope you lea rned alot at c hurhc.
WE wat ched a video today by Elder Holland . I t was so touching. I want to testify to you o f the real ness of our SAvior and my love for him. When we understand who we ar e and where were can go, this all becomes real. I w a nt to c halleng e al l you to find o ut what you can do to help others to find the joyy that comes f rom him. I testi fy of this wo r k. I love you a ll.
German, Nicholas, a nd Y essica were bap tized. THe y are all doing really well. On l ast tuesday I ha d on e of the most spi rtual mo m en ts in my mission. W e had ta ken the b us to maR del pLata fo r o ur Dis tric t Mee ting. WE went and ate in Mar del Plata af ter o ur district meeting with the fa milia Belo qui. We got talking and it was just am zing the storie s that they hav e. If you remember we bap tized two To rres byos a couple of weeks a go. T hey h av e a older b rother. He is now living with the B Elo qu is famil y and t hey are paying for his school and helping with his mi ssion. They chagned his life forever. I started cryigng w hen we ate with theym. THe b o y is c al led ALe jo and h e is one of the fa vorite people that I hav e met h e re. I am so so rry for this l etter. THis can be yo ur fami ly home ev e n ing ga me to f I gur e ou t my letTe r.
I am so sorry for a very short email. Please know How much that I love each of you. I know my prayers reach you and I hope you all have a excellent week. I p romise a better letter ne x t week. h aha
A llmy love.
Elder Au stin
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