I hope that you have a wonderful day!!! I love you so much and am so grateful for you. I am glad you got my letter in time for your birthday! You looked so pretty in your birthday picture that Mom sent to me today!
Letters from:
Kathi Lott- (Payson’s Grandmother) Thank you so much for your sweet letter!! It meant the world to me. I hope that all is well with you. Your example has touched so many lives!
Amy Ellsworth- I loved your letter! It was great to hear from you! I hope that all is well and I will drop you a letter soon. Have an awesome week! Thank you for writing…
Steph Bingham- So great to get your letter! I hope that you have a great time in Hawaii before the big stretch of school! Have a wonderful week! Thanks for taking the time to write!
Emails from:
Ethan Lopez- Hey I think I will get your letter tomorrow. We are heading to Del Mar and will be picking up our mail then. Thanks for your email!! I love you Brother.
Grandma Clegg- I loved your email so much. I am glad that I am following in you’re footsteps… I hope I can in other ways too... haha! I love you Grandma - Tell Grandpa and Uncle Alan hello for me.
Oh side note right now the song “Who Says” by Selena Gomez is playing here in the cyber as I type this…Mikesell - you should appreciate that!
This week was seriously awesome!! Mikesell, whatever prayer you said was answered big time. Saturday we found five investigators, but not only that… they are GOLDEN!! For the first time in my mission I entered a home with a married family that is very united and wanted to learn about the church. I am still just grateful beyond words. Before that we found a family of four who’s father passed away and they went to church the next day. They said they saw us walk by the first time, but our appointment fell through and my comp said, “Hey let’s go knock that door with the car that was just leaving”. I didn’t remember the car leaving at all and we went back knocked and they invited us in. Oh man Saturday was the best day ever! The two families are called the Heriqez Family and Gonzalez family.
The week started out kinda bumpy but with a change of attitude and work ethic ~ it ended wonderfully. Thank you for your prayers. I hope the district here can maintain the wonderful people that are coming in now. It is an exciting time in Miramar !
I can not tell you how happy and just overwhelmed I am to hear about Zach. Elder Suitter and I had a fast for him when I was in the MTC. But I have thought of him a lot and prayed. Tears came to my eyes when I heard that. Please just tell him I love him and to feel free to drop me an email whenever. I love the Leavitt family.
Well all of your letters sound awesome this week. That is wonderful. I loved your letter Mikesell. That was so touching. I am short on time so I didn’t get to read very much, but I will tonight for sure.
Dad- I hope your Redfish visit went well this week. I bet that was a great time and I am sure it is just beautiful there right now. To answer some questions: Yes, it is hot, but it is all good. The smallness of the house is ok. We are all excited for March to look for something bigger to live in for sure. Elder Yarger is a boss. I love him so much. He is quiet in lessons but has a hard work ethic and that is all I care about. We get along really well. His family are huge cattle ranchers. He almost has me talked into a career in ranching, after I get my Dr. :) The language is coming. They understand me... or act like they do! haha Yesterday we found a new investigator who said after the lesson “You speak Spanish mixed with English words, but I still understand you perfectly”. I just laughed. That about says it all!! I don’t know what English words I was saying but haha its all good. I sure love you Dad! Give McCall two big kisses for me! Have a great week. Thank you for your prayers.
Mom- Thank you so much for your email! I feel your prayers so much. I hope that you have a great Valentines day tomorrow. I don’t think they celebrate here, no one has talked about it. I actually forgot about it until your email today. It sounds like everything is going very well. Hopefully I will get the package you sent tomorrow when we go to Del Mar. I loved your stories and can’t believe how lucky I am to have you and Dad as my parents and best friend! I sure love you Mom. I will keep you posted on transfers and everything for next week. I hope to be writing from Miramar next week. Vamos a ver. Love you Mom. Give Call a kiss for me!
Mikesell- I loved your email so much! It meant the world to me. I am glad that you had a good time and that all was well. I sure miss you. Prayer really is very powerful and especially when we have prayers like that. Write these experiences down in your journal! You have always been good about that. My guess is you will hear from the Y this week or the next. I will be praying for you and have no fear -God has his eye on you. I love you so much Mikesell. Go dominate life my girl. AND give McCall a kiss for me today!
Brennen - What a stud you are! Sounds like you finished the basketball season really strong. I love it! GREAT JOB. You asked me what I thought between Tennis and Track, I think they are both great! Just do something... I loved track, but lots of people loved tennis. Think, choose, and pray and do. You will do great. I love you so much brother. I was thinking this week about the temptations that you and Al and Harrison will face - in many things but especially in pornography and things pertaining to the Law of Chastity. DO NOT GO NEAR any of that which would destroy you. Being here has been very eye opening, it destroys everything good you have going for you and the family. You know that…. You three have too much going for you. It is coming at you at a very young age. Fight it by doing good thing and staying busy. I love you man. Have a great week. You are a man among boys. Love you bro. Give McCall a kiss for me!
Alex- ¿Que tal Maestro? I thought they were the bears…couldn’t remember. Good work. I hope you can get Wood River again. What is your record? I sure love you buddy and I hope that you have a great week! Listen to Mom and Dad and don’t flirt with things that can lead to trouble. Give me a report of your scripture reading next week ok? I sure love you bro. Keep rocking life. Give McCall a kiss for me.
Harrison- Hey buddy. How are you man? Sounds like you got some cool things for McCall for her bday. You are a very giving kid. How is b-ball?. I love you buddy. You are such a stud. The picture of me with the dog is for you. The dog is named Nala like the lion of Lion King. She is our neighbors’ dog. I love you bud. Give Cally a kiss you me and have a great week. I LOVE YOU!!
MCCALL- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!! You looked so cute in your picture. I hope that you have felt very loved today. If everyone completes with their assignments you should have received 7 kisses from me today. One for every year. I hope that you like the letter and that it all made it there safe. I love you so much. I prayed for you very much today and thought of you. I miss you!! Have a great night celebrating your day! I love you Cally.
The paper says "Happy Birthday McCall" in Spanish
I thought a lot about the Atonement this week and how it is not only for our sadnesses in life but it is to help us reach our eternal potential. Improvement and progression our one eternal round through the Atonement.
Well I love you all so much. Please tell all those who celebrate with McCall I love them. Please tell Grandma Crouch how I loved her letter. I have read it several times. I am so grateful for my grandparents…and all of the family!!
I love you all so much!!
May Heavens richest blessings be yours!
Love, Elder Austin
P.S. The other picture is of like 30 mins ago. I hope you can read the sign in my hand.
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